On 8/7/23 03:06, Al Iverson via mailop wrote:

If MS is using IPv6 to send the mail to Google, you might be in an
extra difficult spot. Not everybody agrees/believes this, but in my
experience Gmail is more quick to block IPv6-sent mail; they're more
stringent about what they might let through versus IPv4. I can't
imagine that's something you can control, but, hey, if I'm wrong and
it is, it's worth checking.

I concur, Google seems to think that if you are using IPv6 for transport
you must be Teh Master of Teh Internetâ„¢, and it'll be trivial for you
to get every single detail right in your messages.

Then again, I can easily see how spammers would use IPv6 addresses to
snowshoe their spam insertion.
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