On 8/30/23 2:06 AM, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) via mailop wrote:
Grant, I appreciate the time it must have taken you to write this long callout about how I surely must be "doing it wrong".


I've been running mail for 20 years now.


I think I've been running Sendmail roughly the same amount of time. '00 plus or minus depending on how you count things.

This is the first occurence of this problem

I don't think that "1st time in 20 years" is as appropriate as you might want it to be, seeing as how we're talking about a behavior that I understand SpamHaus to have changed in the last 18 months or so.

(and again, only because the local caching resolver that my new host configured...was not recursive).

That ... seems problematic.

The mix of solutions I've had in play has served me reasonably well.  My SA config checks many RBLs.  But the volume and load of mails I scan with SA would be easily tenfold if not for SH.

To each their own.

I still stand by not rejecting out of hand /just/ /because/ an IP is listed in an RBL.

I've also discovered (over on comp.mail.sendmail) that SpamHaus's recommended, documented use of the enhdnsbl feature DOES NOT WORK, which I suspect is a bug in how the rules are transformed from .mc syntax to .cf syntax.

I can't prove or disprove that.  But it sounds like something else is wrong.

M4 has been converting macro config (.mc) syntax rules to config file (.cf) syntax rules for more than two decades.

There is entirely a possibility that something has happened that has caused the .mc to not behave as desired. I'm thinking something like smart quotes, or CR/LF issues, or similarly almost certainly wouldn't happen if lines were re-typed by hand. (Assuming no typos.)

In order to debug the m4 not doing the right things, I need to understand the raw .cf, which brings me back to my original tongue-in-cheek suggestion of greater enlightenment.

I interpret that a little bit differently.

It sounds to me like you are saying that the underlying .cf syntax -- generated from the .mc syntax -- is broken.

Once you have the fully functional .cf syntax, you can then tackle why the .mc syntax isn't generating the desired .cf syntax.

If you have valid .cf syntax and .mc syntax that isn't quite generating said .cf syntax, please share it and I'll take a look.

A lot of M4 work can be "how can I generate this result" and working backwards to "this will generate that".

Grant. . . .
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