Hi, I am looking for an eBay operational contact of some sort who can help with the following.

There is at least one feedback form on the ebay site which appears to send feedback to an internal ebay team via e-mail. The form prompts the user for "please provide your e-mail address so we can contact you about your feedback". That e-mail address is then used as the From: header in the resulting backend e-mail... but the destination distribution list is closed to known senders only. As a result, the feedback e-mail bounces back to the originating user via e-mail (even though it was written via web form). The DL that I have encountered this for is DL-eBay-SH-Performance but I have a feeling this issue probably applies to many others, based on how specifically that DL is named for the one web form we encountered.

I suppose this additionally is an avenue by which eBay is generating backscatter from their own web system via their own e-mail system, it is unclear if all of the forms are behind authentication or not. The forms do not seem to make use of the authenticated user's known e-mail address, so any address can be entered.

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