We have a website on WP Engine. WP Engine sends its email through Mail 
Channels. It's ending up in our Junk Mail box on 365. 

I test via MX Toolbox's Mail Deliverability Report. It fails for " Domain not 
found in SPF ", yet manually, everything I look up appears good. The IP it 
sends from is included in the SPF record MXToolbox says. 

I test via MailGenius, and it says the SPF is good. 

I'm clearly getting an undesired result by it hitting our Junk Mail folder. 
MXToolbox says it's bad, but then has conflicting info elsewhere. Someone else 
says it's fine. I'm not sure on how to proceed. It's not for sending campaigns, 
just transactional email (sending to us website contact forms, etc.). The 
domain is newish, but it's been around a few months. 


I think I could set up DKIM, but that seems like it's not part of the 
low-hanging fruit problem. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

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