A couple times every year Microsoft (at least for hotmail and msn
recipients) keeps re-adding my IP to their blocklist for no reason.

Normally this has been relatively painless, I have used the form at


to report the problem and it always gets fixed within a day so no

Last week and into this week the above form seems to have stopped
working. I can submit the info, but I quickly get an autoresponder
email back saying they are experiencing technical difficulties (see
text quoted below). This has been going for two weeks now so does not
appear to be a temporary glitch.

Anyone know of an alternate way to report the problem or have any
insight on whether this "technical difficulty" will be fixed?


 Thanks for your patience, we are currently experiencing technical
 difficulties and our engineers are working to resolve the issue at the

 Thanks again,

 Outlook.com Deliverability Support

 Your service request number is 7024633717 if you need it.

Jyri J. Virkki - Santa Cruz, CA

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