Bill Cole via mailop skrev den 2023-10-09 14:45:
On 2023-10-09 at 03:46:08 UTC-0400 (Mon, 9 Oct 2023 07:46:08 +0000)
Gellner, Oliver via mailop <>
is rumored to have said:

Postfix default of the maximum queue lifetime is 5 days: One month is very long, but I usually see systems to retry for at least three days to cover outages of MTAs that cannot be solved within a few hours or for example happen on a weekend. Not all MTAs are run by enterprises with 24/7 staff availability.

5 days has been a widespread norm since the core of the Internet was academic and traditional business organizations where you could reasonably expect an outage starting on Friday night would not even be noticed until Monday morning. I'm pretty sure my first IDA/KJS Sendmail machine had a 5-day queue lifetime, as I had no clue how to change it...

backup-mx ? :)

should at that time have being 6 to 60 days, more or less, else it would not be a backup-mx, but yes sendmail do have most core settings same as todays postfix core
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