On 11/10/2023 10:48, Urban Loesch via mailop wrote:

same here in north Italy.
Also users on Reddit encounter the same: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1755npg/anyone_else_seeing_outlook_mail_delivery_problems/

That points to an issue in the M365 admin -> Healt -> service status section where this is mentioned


EX680695, Last updated: 11 October 2023 at 11:51 BST
Estimated start time: 11 October 2023 at 01:00 BST

More info: Affected users may see a "451 4.7.500 Server busy" error message. Current status: We’ve identified that specific IP addresses are being unexpectedly limited by our anti-spam procedures, causing inbound external email delivery to become throttled and delayed. We're reviewing if there have been any recent changes to our anti-spam rules to understand why the IP addresses are being limited. In the meantime, we're manually adding reported affected IP addresses to an allowed list to provide immediate relief."

They're manually adding IP addresses... Sounds a fun job. Just got to work out how to report them now

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