In message <>, Matt Palmer
via mailop <> writes

>The relative "noisiness" of the attack, in fact, is a fairly strong signal
>that it *isn't* lawful intercept; western law enforcement agencies are
>typically very hesitant to do anything that could "tip off" the target of
>their investigation.

In my, perhaps jaundiced, view the revelation of the attack (an expired
cert) suggests that it was indeed LI ... it's the sort of thing that
goes wrong with ad hoc arrangements.

You might recall (to bring this back to email) that in his book 'The Big
Breach' Richard Tomlinson revealed that he had discovered that his email
was being intercepted because the Italians had rigged a server to send a
copy of emails sent to him to their mailbox ... and one weekend that
mailbox filled and everyone got a "bounce" as the extra copy failed to
be delivered ...

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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