On 24.10.2023 at 14:39 Benoît Panizzon via mailop wrote:

> One of our customer is forwarding his emails on our platform to his hotmail 
> email address.
> Today, we started getting a Microsoft Spam complaint for almost every email 
> that was being forwarded to his hotmail account.
> I contacted the customer and asked, why he was reporting so many emails that 
> were clearly not spam as 'junk'. Of course I immediately got a complaint from 
> Microsoft about me sending spam to this customer.
> I got hold of that customer.
> He told me, he enabled a new feature called (sorry, I got this in
> German) 'Put email from unknown sender in junk folder'.
> Is there such a new feature in Hotmail? If so, I believe we can just ditch 
> that feedback loop.

As far as I know this feature is not new but exists since a long time (years). 
It treats all messages from senders which are not on your safe senders list as 
spam and looks something like this: 
Why Microsoft is sending those messages into the feedback loop is another 
question. In a perfect world there should be filters in place which 
suppress/flag reports from an account if the spam reports reach a certain 
percentage of all received emails of this account.

But this is not related to forwarding. If you send an email directly to the 
Hotmail address it will be treated in the same way. Like every other approach 
that is based purely on whitelists it creates a large amount of false positives.

BR Oliver

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