On Fri, Oct 27, 2023, Marco M. via mailop wrote:
> Am 27.10.2023 um 15:19:33 Uhr schrieb Cyril - ImprovMX via mailop:

> > For instance, if my server has a PTR with mail1.example.com, and I
> > connect by saying "HELO send.example.com". If the receiving server
> > loads all the IPs for "send.example.com" but doesn't find my server's
> > IP, should it refuse the email or accept it ?

Accept the HELO command.

"PTR mismatch" usually refers to something else than checking the
HELO argument.  For example, see the sendmail documentation:

           Holds   the   result  of  the  resolve  call  for
           ${client_name}.  Possible values are:

               OK        resolved successfully
               FAIL      permanent lookup failure
               FORGED    forward lookup doesn't match reverse lookup
               TEMP      temporary lookup failure

           Defined in the SMTP server only.   sendmail  per-
           forms  a hostname lookup on the IP address of the
           connecting client.  Next the IP addresses of that
           hostname are looked up.  If the client IP address
           does not appear in that list, then  the  hostname
           is  maybe forged.  This is reflected as the value
           FORGED for ${client_resolve}

> Because the big companies enforce a correct PTR, almost all servers
> sending mail have a working PTR.

But not wrt the HELO argument, right?

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