In message <cam7xbvzi7qd2ovosks6y02m-pjenuj2y1mkkcmzku5sr4bo...@mail.gma>, Byron Lunz via mailop <> writes

>We've required confirmed-opt-in for years. But a few months ago, I noticed
>that our servers were sending out hundreds of 'confirmation required'
>messages every day. They were going to obviously-bogus addresses, likely
>submitted to our submission forms by bots. Without opt-in, all those bogus
>addresses would be on our lists, inflating subscriber count, increasing
>bounces, lowering server reputation, etc. As it was, even just the hundreds
>of confirmation messages were beginning to impact server reputation, to the
>point that I added simple 'captcha' tests which require a human response,
>just to eliminate the bogus confirmation messages.

you should be doing that anyway to prevent "list bombing" attacks (where
you, and many others, send emails to a victim (who has been impersonated
by a robot) to swamp their mailbox so as to hide transactional email
that would reveal an active fraud)

the likely reason for sign-ups from clearly mass-registered addresses is
that the bots wish to have valid email coming in to their inboxes to
persuade machine-learning models that the account is valid and not mass-
registered for nefarious purposes

> Even after THAT, I find
>that maybe 25-50% of the folks who ask to subscribe never respond to the
>confirmation email.

the ML models may have got their first and removed the account

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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