
Hell, even if you are dishonest and make the costs of deliverability problems higher than they are it can still be challenging to make COI look more profitable.

I really wish this weren?t true and I?ve been trying to make it true for years. But, sometimes reality bites.

If sending lots of mail to weakly engaged corespondents is your core business, COI is not likely to be worthwhile in cold hard cash vs. what I call "good faith single opt-in" where it is credible that subscribers are predominantly legit, by whatever means that is achieved. Unless a bulk-sending entity is engaged in nearly pure spam using sketchy tactics, the risks of blocking costing a lot is low.

OTOH, if bulk mail is an auxiliary service to more valuable (per message) email, the cost of being blocked can be the whole business. The more you handle typical conversational email, the less you can tolerate practices that lead to blocking.

Most organisations will reconsider after beeing blocked a few times due to non COI ... and believe me we see this almost on a daily base with the SURBL porject. After we explain some will listen differently then when they get this explained when it didnt happen (yet) ...

And we also see the results pretty fast usually. Trap wise. ...

Bye, Raymond
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