On 16.12.23 12:11, ml+mailop--- via mailop wrote:
On Sat, Dec 16, 2023, Thomas Walter via mailop wrote:

2. Our server bounces with 550 5.1.1 User doesn't exist.

Does your server generate a DSN?
If the "User doesn't exist" then it seems you should be able to
determine that fact when RCPT is given -- or is this just a bogus

It's a catchall forwarded domain "@olddomain -> @newdomain", so Postfix accepted it before checking the final recipient.

Now that you said it, I'm going to suggest to the user to just alias individual addresses instead of the catchall.

I still think Microsoft should not complain about NDRs, especially if the original was from them.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
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