It appears that Michael Orlitzky via mailop <> said:
>This will work, but you probably don't want to make your entire MTA
>inefficient just to appease Google. 

Actually, you do, and it's not just Google.

I've seen stats that say that the average number of recipients on
legit mail is about 1.2, keeking in mind that bulk mailers all do
single deliveries since they customize each copy of the message. A
message with a dozen recipients in the same SMTP session is a very
strong spam signal. So don't do that, do single deliveries like
everyone else does.

It occurs to me that one of the reasons I don't see the delivery
problems that a lot of you do is that I use qmail (now heavily patched
of course) which has always done single deliveries. It works great.

Inevitably when I say this, someone will make huffy comments about how
horribly inefficient single deliveries are. It was a silly argument
when qmail started doing it 25 years ago and it's infinitely sillier
now. The total amount of bandwidth every mail system in the world uses
is a rounding error compared to what we use for cat videos. Since mail
systems do several deliveries in parallel, single deliveries are not
much slower than multi-recipient, and they're infinitely faster when
they get through and the others don't.

Happy St Sylvester's day,

PS: If you want to see the kinds of things that use up bandwitch, take a
look at my toy content farm at and then marvel
at OpenAI's GPTbot which has visited it 1.3 million times this month.
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