On 03.01.2024 at 23:15 Brandon Long wrote:

Hmm, doesn't this also depend on improper handling of pipelining?

You can't pipeline past DATA, 

I guess if the sender is sending line by line, maybe the server would only have 
up to the DATA in the tcp buffer and process the DATA before reading more.
Otherwise, having extra data available after the DATA command would be 
indicative of a misbehaving client.

Yes, you shouldn’t be able to pipeline past DATA, but apparently some MTAs 
accept this nonetheless. Probably for the very same reason as they accept LF or 
CR as line terminators: Misbehaving clients.

Even without being able to pipeline the whole SMTP conversation at once, it 
would be possible that a packet ends just after DATA. Also there is chunking 
mode with which DATA might not be used at all.

BR Oliver
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