It appears that Andrew C Aitchison via mailop <> said:
>X-Face was too far ahead of its time. Enough of the market did not have
>the bandwidth to make it practical, and digitisers/cameras were not 
>readily available.

It was, and it also predated phishing. All of the complication of BIMI
comes from trying to ensure that people only show logos they're
entitled to use.

While it would be nice to make BIMI available to small organizations
without costing a lot of money, the question "is entity A allowed to
show logo X" is very hard even for people, and not amenable to
authomation. In a few cases where the entity has already paid to put
the logo in a trademark database it's easier but that sure doesn't

There are some extremely complicated cases. For example, there are two
unrelated companies called Merck, one in the U.S. and one in Germany.
(The U.S. one started from confiscated assets of the German one after
WW I.) They have the same name, somewhat similar products, and good
luck getting a straight answer to which one is allowed to display
MERCK where.

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