Indicators can easily float about halfway outside the avatar shape. It would be
possible to approach something that looks a bit like it in the logo, but never
completely. Then there is the fact that this will differ per platform, you can
never make it look like all of them.

About borders: it would be quite easy to include a gold border in the logo. Now
you're asking your user to see if the gold border also has another color border
around it, it seems to have basically the same issue, while also being worse UX
wise in my opinion. I get what you mean about the potential for "faking"
indicators though, even if it wouldn't match exactly, it should be a concern for
anyone developing UI for this.


Op zaterdag 13 januari 2024 om 21:47, schreef Randolf Richardson, Postmaster via
mailop <>:II

> > Robert L Mathews said:
> > > I hope nobody creates MUA features that show non-BIMI logos in the same
> space
> > > as BIMI logos (or that make it difficult for users to notice the
> difference,
> > > such as a tiny padlock superimposed on it sometimes).
> >
> > Superimposing something to indicate validity won't work. The bad guys can
> > just use a "logo" with that mark already installed.
> >
> > It might work to put a gold border around checked logos and a black/red
> dashed
> > line around non-validated logos.
> That's actually a better solution than what I suggested.
> > Another possibility would be to differentiate by size, shape, or location.
> These options are less likely to work because each vendor will do
> things differently, various limitations emerge from different screen
> sizes, and some vendors keep changing their user interfaces (which
> drives some users absolutely bonkers to the point where they tend to
> become desensitized to user interface nuances).
> Your first idea is much better.
> --
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