On 09.02.2024 at 22:19 Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:

Am 09.02.24 um 16:20 schrieb Gellner, Oliver via mailop:
A not really serious reply: I'm interested to learn how I can get amused by 
looking at XML data, this would greatly improve my professional life. Until now 
I have been more in the state of wanting to jump out the window when I see 
DMARC reports like the following:


This is mostly a matter of tooling, XML is not fit for human consumption. Being 
a software developer, I wrote my own tools to parse and present DMARC reports 
which are not perfect but ok for my purposes. I'm not sure I could find 
sufficiently general open source tools quickly, but it's not impossible that 
there are some somewhere.

Sorry, if this wasn’t clear: I don’t have any issues with XML data or parsing 
I posted the XML snippet above specifically because of the „count = 0“ - as an 
example of one the braindead DMARC reports some sites are sending. Apparently 
it depends on one’s own mindset if you are either amused or horrified by such 
reports :-)

BR Oliver

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