Dear Eric,

Am 16.04.24 um 01:06 schrieb Eric Tykwinski via mailop:
I know this is totally off topic now, but how are you feeling about their support contracts. (ProxMox)

(Nit: Proxmox is the official spelling – no camel-case.)

1.020 €/(year & CPU socket) for the plan *Premium* is quite cheap for what you get in my opinion [1]:

•   Access to Enterprise repository
•   Complete feature-set
•   Support via Customer Portal
•   Unlimited support tickets
•   Response time: 2 hours*
•   within a business day
•   Remote support (via SSH)
•   Offline subscription key activation

They also have a bug tracking system [2], and also work upstream to some agree. There are some commits in the Linux kernel from them, and also some commits with their Reported-by and Tested-by tags.

The only thing, I do not like about Proxmox is ZFS, which is not in the upstream Linux kernel due to licensing incompatibilities.

I’m honestly playing around with the OS, as we are running VMWare 8.x
perpetual now, and slated to migrate off.  I barely used TAC on
VMWare maybe 3 times in 12 years, but having that option on
production is required.
For FLOSS projects, selling subscriptions and services & support is their way to pay their developers to maintain and develop the product. Always with the risk, somebody comes a long and forks the project and takes away their business. People (pupils/students) and organizations (some charities) with no resources can use it for free, but organizations, which, for example, were able to buy VMWare products, should support the project. Even if it’s unlikely they are ever going to open a support ticket. I urge everyone using FLOSS to support the projects.

In my opinion, for FLOSS projects the goal should be to pay at least double the price, the proprietary, closed-source market leader charges.

Kind regards,


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