On 2024-04-15 22:47, Bruno Flückiger via mailop wrote:
On 15.04.2024 22:40, Kevin A. McGrail via mailop wrote:
Hi All,

We have four servers where we can't retrieve our free ESXi VMWare license after Broadcom shut things down and they are in evaluation mode for about 30 more days.

Similar products are Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager (OLVM), Proxmox and Nutanix. Each one of these products has some shortcommings compared to VMware. If you don't need a GUI to manage your virtual environment you might consider using KVM (Linux) or bhyve (FreeBSD) as hypervisor.

What sort of shortcomings do you see for, say, Proxmox?  I would say that by using Open vSwitch & Free Range Routing (with EVPN), one can get pretty close to the VMware NSX.  And with enabling Ceph on Proxmox, one can get the VSan-like functional distributed/block storage.  Then throw Ansible at it for automation.  And Prometheus/Grafana for monitoring/observability.

At work we are currently building a PoC with OLVM as we have Oracle licenses anyway. And because OVLM is the one product that comes closest to the feature set of VMware we need. But I still hope we find a way forward with VMware. Moving everything to Oracle gives me nightmares.

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