On 4/16/24 23:42, Bruno Flückiger via mailop wrote:
Proxmox does not support the current architecture I have at work: clusters of hosts served by a central storage system connected to the hosts by FC SAN. I run few huge volumes on the storage that are shared among the cluster hosts. As I have seen this architecture in many companies I think I can the lack of support for it a shortcoming.

This surprises me.

The Proxmox VE Storage page implies that it's possible.

Link - Storage - Proxmox VE
 - https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Storage

The last time I looked at Proxmox (multiple years now) it was just a role specific distribution of Linux. I know for a fact that Linux supports shared storage, I've done it multiple times with multiple different clustered file systems.

I would be flabbergasted if you weren't able to add the small number of pieces needed on top of Proxmox to make this work. You'll need a distributed lock manager and a cluster aware file system. There are multiple options for Linux.

Research clustered file systems and / or clustered LVM. What you find should have SIGNIFICANT overlap with and much of it will probably be possible in Proxmox.

Grant. . . .

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