On Fri, Aug 9, 2024 at 5:03 AM Richard Hector via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

> Sorry for the resurrection of an old thread.
> I recently set up DKIM, partly using https://wiki.debian.org/opendkim as
> my reference. That seems to suggest using l=, so that's what I did ...
> If it's not good advice, perhaps someone more familiar with the subject
> than I am could update the Debian wiki?

I don't know how to, but I'd be happy to advise on verbiage, if
somebody else wants to tackle it or work together.

It almost looks like they meant to say "You generally DON'T want l= on
all mail."

If you want to do it and want some help rewriting at least that
paragraph, feel free to drop me a line.

I've blogged about l= here:
And recently made a little followup video here:



Al Iverson // 312-725-0130 // Chicago
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