On 2013-09-02 7:15 PM, slowfranklin wrote:
> Well, Samba 4.0 is the current *stable* Samba release series. 

Yup, but 3.6 is still actively maintained (and 3.5 too for security,

> But we can tell people: why are you sticking with 3.x when upgrading to 4.y 
> is a non issue?

«Because my boss says so», «because my software is only supported for
Samba 3», «because we have a recertifying process that takes too long».

Believe me, a major version change is an issue that should not be
underestimated just because it *should* work (and I'm not an advocate of
just staying on old unmaintained versions, but staying on old,
*supported* version does makes sense).

> In Samba 4 you still have smbd, nmdb, winbindd. Additionally you have
> a new binary named `samba' which is the one used for the whole AD
> stuff. But you can still run only smbd and friends. The updated
> package will use the exiting init/SMF stuff so it will only run smbd,
> nmdb and possibly winbindd by default. Anybody who wants to run a AD
> DC must disable these and roll his own mechanims for starting `samba'
> (until we get around adding a default disabled SMF manifest or
> similar).

How is this started at boot if not using init or SMF?


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