> Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:47:15 -0400
> Yesterday, I downloaded and installed mingw32-make-3.81-20080326.tar.gz.
> Now when I use this make on the Makefile I get the same error as for case (1) 
> above.
> That is, with mingw32-make (from mingw32-make-3.81-20080326.tar.gz) and 
> C:\msys\1.0\bin in PATH,
> the last few lines of the console output are:
>         ...
>         Output written on refman.pdf (110 pages, 791113 bytes).
>         Transcript written on refman.log.
>         latex_count=5 ; \
>                 while egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' 
> refman.log && [ $latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\
>                     do \
>                       echo "Rerunning latex...." ;\
>                       pdflatex refman.tex ;\
>                       latex_count=`expr $latex_count - 1` ;\
>                     done
>         'latex_count' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>         operable program or batch file.
>         mingw32-make-new: *** [refman.pdf] Error 255
> In other words, it seems that with the new make, the MSYS binaries are not 
> being located.

I'm guessing that Make cannot find the MSYS port of Bash, for some
reason, because the error message you cite comes from cmd.exe.  Could
you please invoke Make with the --debug=vj option, and post here
everything it printed during the run?

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