I have often hit problems with the limit of command line lengths many shells 
have (CMD.EXE in Windows in my case).
This is a common case with few solutions, I have searched around:


I would like to propose a couple new functions in make that can help work 
around this problem.

$(dumpOneLine filename, $(list))
$(dumpOnePerLine filename, $(list))

The idea here is to ask make to dump into a file (either on a single line or 
each element of the list in a new line) all the contents of a list.
This function specifically does not use the shell, I expect make to implement 
it with fopen directly. Once all the contents of a long list in make are in a 
file, programs (such as linker, or compiler) can use that file as input.

I do not know how to address specifics such as variable expansion on the list 
(I'd suggest no variable expansion at all, create a new list for that).

What do you think?

  -- Lawrence

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