> I find your suggestions more elagant than the original, they seem more
> general purpose, and less "let's introduce this feature to get around
> a specific problem". Of your two suggestions, I'd favor the "withfile"
> option, it would be both more powerful, and doesn't introduce the
> problem of trying to play with whitespace in make vairables.
> I'm sure more discussion will need to happen before anything gets
> merged, but I do like the idea of make-level IO redirection, but
> mostly for debugging/logging, and storing persistant information.

Libreoffice could use that too:

right now we use a ugly hack to work around command line size limitation:

# Write string to temporary file by chopping into pieces that
# fit the commandline
# parameters: filename, maxitems (for one write), string
# returns: filename
define var2file
$(strip $(1)
$(eval gb_var2file_helpervar := $$(shell printf "%s" "" > $(1) ))\
$(foreach item,$(3),$(eval gb_var2file_curblock += $(item)
        ifeq ($$(words $$(gb_var2file_curblock)),$(2))
                gb_var2file_helpervar := $$(shell printf "%s"
"$$(gb_var2file_curblock)" >> $(1) )
                gb_var2file_curblock :=
        $(eval gb_var2file_helpervar := $(shell echo "
"$(gb_var2file_curblock) >> $(1) )
                gb_var2file_curblock :=

being able to do make-level-io would certainly improve that a bit...


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