I'd like to tell everyone about a new long distance service out there. I
consider myself to be a fairly fiscally prudent (read cheap) person. I
sort of track the current rates in long distance service fairly closely.
About the most expensive service available these days is to go with the
big companies. And yet, all your calls route over the same fiber, no
matter who you use for billing. My friend Robbin works for a Hong Kong
based company which has set up a new kind of LD provider in Hong Kong and
then was asked to do the same thing for Singapore. Now they have set up
their service here in the US. To check it out, go to

Typical rates provided by other companies run at 7 cents and up per minute
plus they charge you some sort of monthly fee which usually runs between
$3 to $7 per month. (Don't forget boys and girls, that's $36 to $84 per

The deal with zoneld is as follows: $.045 cents per minute for interstate
plus $.04 per minute for any five states you choose.. They use an 18
second minimum call billed in 6 second increments. You have the option
(unlike lots of other carriers) of not selecting intrastate service. And
their international rates are the lowest I've seen. (e.g., Calls to Hong
Kong are $0.075/minute. Rates on international calls can fluctuate, so the
way zoneld works is that you select from a list of carriers that you tag
as preferred. Then, in realtime, as you make your call, they route the
call through their switch which automatically selects the cheapest carrier
from your preferred set. And you can view your carrier selection right on
their web site.

Also, if you try it, I'd really like to be able to send feedback to
Robbin, both positive and negative.

-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have -
-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
-Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all-
-individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question? [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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