Off the top of my head it occurs in religious verse in the middle ages - some of the marian hymns are quite effective.
Helen Conrad-O'Briain
PS David could you e-mail me privately?
On 15 Aug 2004, at 16:31, david connor wrote:

Pardon me for changing the subject being discussed, but would someone tell
me something about Macaronic Verse? Is it always a "burlesque" form as the
dictionary implies, or is there a body of more serious work?
Are there, for example, macaronic heroic couplets? A few inquiring minds
want to know. . .
Thank you -- David

----- Original Message -----
From: David Wilson-Okamura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: VIRGIL: heroic verse

At 04:03 PM 8/11/2004 +0100, Patrick Roper wrote:
Though it does not answer your specific question,you will probably have
William Bowman Piper's entry on the heroic couplet in 'The New Princeton
Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics' (1993).

Thanks, Patrick. I didn't mean to dismiss Piper in my first set of remarks
-- his book is excellent. Looked at Brogan's bibliography last summer, but
will try again and see if there was anything I missed.

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David Wilson-Okamura [EMAIL PROTECTED]
East Carolina University Virgil reception, discussion, documents, &c
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