Your best way to approach this is to look at things which Augustus himself
promoted about himself (e.g. as seen in his Res Gestae ... read between the
lines a bit, e.g., in regards to his role in the civil war ... how does
Augustus portray his role?). At the same time, you should be looking at the
imagery which was being promoted in the visual arts (great place to start:
Zanker's *Power of Images in the Age of Augustus*) and see how those visual
images are echoed as literary images in the *Aeneid*. As for making Romans
'feel good' about themselves, remember that the intended audience probably
wasn't 'all Romans'(although it is likely that this was the 'eventual'
audience (more or less), just the literate ones who would appreciate the
craftsmanship involved. That's a very narrow class of people ... what do
you suppose the message is that's being passed on to them via the Aeneid?


At 12:08 PM 4/17/1998 EDT, you wrote:
I'm am working on a research paper that hopes to arrive at some 
conclusion that relates Augustus patronage of Vergil to the Aeneid.  My 
feeling is that one of the purposes of writing the Aeneid was so that 
the Romans could "feel good" about themselves, and also that Augustus 
would be able to take and maintain control of the empire.  I see the 
Aeneid as being a powerful tool of Augustine Propoganda.  My paper also 
seeks to relate other works of literature in more modern times to 
political issues (ex: _Uncle_Tom's_Cabin_ and the issue of slavery).  
Any comments, suggestions, of direction towards research materials would 
be GREATLY appreciated.  

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