>I'm am working on a research paper that hopes to arrive at some
>conclusion that relates Augustus patronage of Vergil to the Aeneid.  My
>feeling is that one of the purposes of writing the Aeneid was so that
>the Romans could "feel good" about themselves, and also that Augustus
>would be able to take and maintain control of the empire.  I see the
>Aeneid as being a powerful tool of Augustine Propoganda.  My paper also
>seeks to relate other works of literature in more modern times to
>political issues (ex: _Uncle_Tom's_Cabin_ and the issue of slavery).
>Any comments, suggestions, of direction towards research materials would
>be GREATLY appreciated.

Lotsa good stuff, but most of it pointing away from the direction in which
you're headed, in
White, Peter,  Promised verse : poets in the society of Augustan Rome.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1993.

James J. O'Hara                                       Jim O'Hara
Professor of Classical Studies                        Classical Studies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   Wesleyan University
860/685-2066                                          Middletown CT 06459-0146
fax: 860/685-2089

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