> Is it a good read (in any language)?

The Thebaid is a great read.  But, like everything else, it suffers in
translation, although Melville's is good (there's a review of it in
BMCR).  The main problem is that most expect it to be the Aeneid and are
disappointed/frustrated/bent out of shape when they realize it's not;
consequently it is frequently derided.  It is, in fact, *explicitly* not
another Aeneid and, i think, Statius sets himself (much the way Ovid
did) to 'correcting' the Aeneid.  It presents a very different view of
the gods and any grand design, of civil war, of hero and of closure.  If
you do read the Thebaid, it's important to keep the Aeneid not far from
the front of your mind.

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