From: Adrian Pay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 23:19:40 -0000

Has anyone been struck by Horace 1.24 ("quis desiderio sit pudor..."). Who 
is Quintilius and why "nulli flebilior quam tibi, Vergili" (Quintilius 
turns up in the Ars Poetica and a fragment of Philodemus)

Lines 13-16 seems to be referring to Georgics Book IV - does Horace know 
what Vergil's agenda is in Book IV.

The last stanza refers back to Odes 1.10, the hymn to Mercury. Here the 
picture is rather grimmer: compare "tu pias laetis animas reponis / sedibus 
virgaque levem coerces / aurea turbam" with "quam virga semel horrida... 
nigro compulerit Mercurius gregi". Is one supposed to remember that 
Augustus is seen as Mercury on earth on Odes 1.2?

Does anyone know what to make of Odes 4.12 (another one addressed to 
Vergil); again there seems to be some sort of intertextual play with the 

Adrian Pay
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