Two notes and a query from the listowner:

1. MAGNA PECUNIA NUNC!!! was cute, but defeats the purpose of a subject
header, which is to help busy people decide what they want to read. So be
boring, be courteous, and use a subject header that reflects the content of
your message.

2. This also goes for messages that introduce a new topic. Most of us
probably do this by replying to a previous message; it's important, though,
that when we do so, we change the subject line of the new message. Again,
this helps busy people sort their mail. But it also helps you: who knows
but that the world's expert on YOUR topic isn't reading your query because
it's "disguised" under an old subject heading that he or she got bored with
and now deletes on sight?

3. Here's the query: how focused should this group be? Simon's question
produced what seemed to me a fruitful discussion, even though it wasn't
directly related to Virgil. I'm not sure, though, that a Virgil group is
the best place to ask a question about Ovid. Not that an answer can't be
had that way, but might there be better places to ask such a question? If
so, what are they? I'm not sure about the answer to either question, and
invite responses, either to me personally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or to this

Yours faithfully,
David Wilson-Okamura
Listowner, Mantovano

David Wilson-Okamura
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Chaucer: an annotated guide to online resources
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