Not sure how that last bit of spam slipped through the filters, but I am
sorry it did. 

One note for students who signed on to get some help with a paper, found
what they wanted (or didn't) and are now ready to leave, please show us the
same courtesy we showed you when you joined by not making a lot of noise
and following the instructions printed at the end of every message
(including this one). If you have trouble, email me privately at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll be glad to help.

BTW, I think the current thread on teaching Latin is one of our best:
practical as well as inspiring.

Yours faithfully,
David Wilson-Okamura
Listowner, Mantovano

David Wilson-Okamura              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macalester College      Virgil Tradition: discussion, bibliography, &c.
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