<< message forwarded by listowner, David Wilson-Okamura >>

Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 19:34:35 +1300
From: leonidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re shield discussion. Does the shield serve as a reminder of the sequence
in Book VI where Aeneas is told of his and his successors future? Yet
another reminder of the destiny of the Roman race that he will see
established - he has always seemed in the previous books to need a lot of
reminders of his "destiny"!

Is there a better way to keep his destiny before him and his enemies, than
the engraved shield?

Cf  too the shield allegedly taken by Alexander when he visited the "tomb
of Achilles" and took away what was reputed to be the hero's shield. Virgil
surely had that in mind at some point.



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