Dara Soukamneuth schrieb:
>      I am doing a very short paper comparing Lucretius' De Rerum Natura with 
> another classical author's work.  Do you have any suggestions as to 
> comparisons of the Aeneid and De Rerum Natura or sources of information?  
> Thank you very much
>     Dara

first idea: not just the Aeneis, but Maro himself in Bucolica (Ekloga), the 
creation story of the bound Silen, that is carmen No 6 (in the symmetrical 
of Bucolica the corresponding carmen to the famous No 4). And another 
verse-group belonging to the Lucretius-Maro-connection is the bees-kosmos in 
Georgica 4,219-227. 
second idea: coming from the cosmology of Bucolica 6 and Georgica 4,219 ff to 
the elements-and-reincarnation-concept of pater Anchises in Aeneis 6. 

You have luck: only a few versus are to be compared, but very dense and 

(I hope I don't tell you the cold coffee from yesterday)

grusz, hansz (in Goerlitz)

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