I have a block of code in whcih I am trying to write a few lines to 
verify an intersection of two overlapping regions that come from two 
tables.  The user can select the two tables, which contain the voice 
data link service stations, an they can be the same.  The idea is to 
automatically select the tables, which will be the same, and create 
overlapping regions where the coverage area commonly intersect.  
However, if the overlap is occuring at the same coverage areas, ie.  
Boston with Boston,  I would like to skip that process an move on to 
the next .Obj.  Any suggestions?

I sent this message out earlier, but almost have the problem solved. 

Here is the block of code for the program:

Sub ReportProg
  Dim i, iRec As Integer
  Dim oFrom, oWithin, oOverlap As Object
  Dim sFromCol1, sWithinCol1, sName As String
        oFrom = gaObjFrom               'gsMilesFrom.obj
  Select * From gsMilesWithin Where Obj Intersects oFrom
    Into TempSel
        For i = 1 to TableInfo(TempSel,TAB_INFO_NROWS)
    Fetch Rec i From TempSel
    oWithin = TempSel.Obj
    oOverlap = OverLap(oFrom,oWithin)
      If ObjectInfo(oOverlap, OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) > 0 Then
                   If oFrom.Obj = oWithin.Obj Then
                        Note "Object cannot overlap itself."
                   End If
      sFromCol1 = Str$(gasFromCol1)
      sWithinCol1 = Str$(gasWithinCol1)
      iRec = 0
      Fetch First From TempSel
        Do While Not EOT(TempSel)
           iRec = iRec + 1
           sName = sName + TempSel.ID + " , "
           Fetch Next From TempSel

      If gbIsRegion Then
        Insert Into Report (FromID, WithinID, Area, Perim, Num_Over, 
Desc, Obj)
          Values(sFromCol1, sWithinCol1, Area(oOverlap,"sq mi"), 
Perimeter(oOverlap,"nmi"), iRec, sName, oOverlap)
      Else   'If not a region(polyline or line) determine the 
distance of the object (ObjectLen)
          Insert Into Report (FromID, WithinID, Area, Perim, 
Num_Over, Desc, Obj)
            Values(sFromCol1, sWithinCol1, 
ObjectLen(Area(oOverlap,"sq mi")), 
ObjectLen(Perimeter(oOverlap,"nmi")), iRec, sName, oOverlap)
      End If
    End If

        Fetch Next From TempMilesFrom
  If EOT(TempMilesFrom) Then
          ProgressBar = -1
          ProgressBar = (gaRow - 1)
  End If
End Sub


Annapolis Ops
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