Dear listers,

Below is a summary of the responses I got to my queries on workspace
improvements and printing from MI on an NT4 workstation:

We have been on NT for several years and don't have the problems to which
you referred.  First, the NT knowledge base has a lot of information on
printing with NT that some one should review.  NT can work very differently
from 95.  For example, NT does not necessarily require a driver on a local
machine to print. It can use the one on machine to which the job is
spooling.  There is no requirement in NT that the printers be "named"
differently.  Your network administrator can solve that issue.  If you are
printing to Jet Direct cards in a printer consult the NT Knowledge base
about setting them up under MS TCP/IP Print Services. They will run much
faster.  If you are on an NT network with Netware services still running,
the system will be slower.  Best case is a pure TCP/IP including the print

Is the 95 workstation attached directly to the printer as an LPT1 port, or
are they both spooling to another device? Is the NT workstation set up to
wait until fully spooled before printing (Don't)?  Check your priority
settings in the properties window for the printer. Go to High and see if it
makes a difference. Try converting from Raw data send to EMF or vice versa.
Are you relying on the 95 driver on the print server or do you have the NT
driver?  There are lots of issues, but the net-net is that properly
configured there should be no difference in printing with 95 or NT.  (It all
sounds like a network issue to me)

NT is a real OS where as 95 is not.  Sounds to me like you need to push the
network administrator to tune NT up a bit.

Steve Thompson

I found this response from Steve to be very helpful in setting up printers
to use TCP/IP instead of DLC - I haven't as yet done any prints to confirm
speed improvements etc. FYI the Knowledge Base document is Q195643

Saw your mail. We are having same kind of problems but are able to plot
large files from within the NT and using a hp2500cp.

Why is this? I mean why are NT so "bad" at this and 95 not? and do you
know if it's different with other drivers/2000? Is there a work around?

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen

Sorry Lars, I don't have any answers for you - maybe Steve's comments will

I totally agree. MapInfo should make the way it handles workspaces much more
flexible. Things like not finding a printer should rather lead to pop up a
dialog to respecify a printer or even ignore printer settings at all if the
printer cannot be found.

Thomas Gülden

You are singing to the choir!  Workspaces are the biggest pain in the rear
since bubble gum on shoe leather.  I hope enough people raise enough of a
ruckus that MI will listen!

Thank you,
Sarah Myers
Preventive Care Operations
Blue Cross of California

Yes this is quite fustrating. I normally check the contents of a
workspace before opening it and after saving saving one and I am
surprised when one is actually saved as I expect it to be. On the other
hand, they are quite useful as a means of creating quick mapbasic
programs to automate certain tasks.

Ken Fioretti
Geographic Business Systems

        This may not be the answer your looking for, but have you seen
"workspace control" by 4thBeach Software (Sth Australian company)

        You can download a trial copy at

        At the least it may make life a little easier when you have to edit

        Let me know how you go?


Peter Doyle
Mobile Networks Qld
Geographical Information & Mapping
(07) 34064304

I have yet to check this one out - sounds promising

I have found printing in general from Mapinfo on an NT workstation to be a
problem. My solution was to get Superprint which eliminated 90% of the
problems. Don't know if this will help with your 650c. Apparently the
printer drivers for NT are different than Win 9x.
I have heard a lot of good news about Superprint but haven't had the chance
to try it out.  One thing I didn't get a response to was the way in which NT
printer drivers alters the size of text in my maps which were compiled on a
Win95 machine - the same occurs in my WP documents as well?

Peter Graham
WS Group - Mackay
Ph: +61 7 4951 2911
Fx:: +61 7 4953 1319

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