I agree, the UT is really not crashing, but merely not readily visible.   
 I use the old Windows technique of alt-tab to cycle through what   
applications are open.  The UT always comes up this way.

Paul Staub
Oregon Dept. of Geology


>From my experience this is not a "crash" but more a problem of the UT
projection window coming up behind the main MI window an you cant get at   
to respond.
Before you start UT reduce the size of the main MI window so it does not
cover the centre of the screen. Then start UT and when the projection   
window comes up it will be (partly)
visible and you can click on it to respond and normal operation can
Not nice but a "work around".

    Brian Chester

PS to Mapinfo L I will miss Jacques contributions to the list even if it   
only a "suspension"
 -----Original Message-----
From: Branchaud, Rick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 1999 23:37
To: "Phillips; Andrew" ; "mi-l (E-mail)" Subject: Re:MI: Universal   
Translator causes crash


This is not just a quirk with your system, I have run into this same   
using MI 5.0, Win 95.  To say it was frustrating would be an   

I have managed to work around it by using the Control/Alt/Delete keys to   
UT task after the "crash" occurs i.e. after pressing the projection   
button. This will *magically* bring up the Projection window and I can   
then continue
per normal.  I'm not sure if this will work on NT but it may be worth a   

I have never got the "out of disk space for temporary files" message, but
you I would think this has nothing to do with the crashing problem using
Universal Translator.

MapInfo Corp...you can't fool us by saying this is a FEATURE.

from the great white north.

Rick Branchaud
Golder Associates
Ottawa, Canada

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    MI: Universal Translator causes crash
Author: "Phillips; Andrew" [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:       8/3/99 8:57 AM

When trying to translate a *.shp file, UT crashes when the Projection   
is pushed.  Only resurrection on this NT system is to End Task.  Once   
doing so I found an error message window giving something like "out of   
space for temporary files".  Given that there is actually plenty of disk
space available, there must be some other source for the error.  Any   


Andrew Phillips, Ph.D.                    615 E. Peabody St.
Quaternary Geology Section          Champaign, IL 61820
Illinois State Geological Survey        (217) 333-2513 (ph)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   (217) 333-2830 (fax)

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