You are likely running Vertical Mapper at the same time as trying to set a
projection via the UT, and the dialog disappears.  This is a Northwood
Geoscience bug with Vert. mapper.  Read on for details.

If Vertical Mapper version 2.1 from Northwood Geoscience was recently upgraded
or downloaded from web, there is a bug in the Vertical Mapper 2.1 software which
is interfering with the MapInfo Universal Translator when using the Projection
button.  Either shut down Vertical Mapper or disable it in the STARTUP.WOR
(meaning you will have to activate it manually and restart MapInfo) and the
problem will be resolved.

Northwood responded to us on 1/11/99:

Thanks for responding regarding our VM problem with the UT.
We have tracked the problem down to a Windows messaging
problem when the UT reparents MI to display the projection dialog.
VM which also had reparented MI, was trying to keep the projection
dialog from being the front window and the UT wanted it to be there.

The 2.1.1 patch for Vertical Mapper was posted here as of this date.

MapInfo Tech Support

Mail List:owner-mapinfo-l
 From:    "Branchaud, Rick" <RBranchaud@ on 08/04/99 
          03:37 PM GMT                               
 To:      "\"Phillips; Andrew\" "                    
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "\"mi-l  
          (E-mail)\" " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           
 cc:      "\"phillips,                               
          andrew\""<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
          "\"mi-l(e-mail)\""<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
 Subject: (Document link not converted)Re:MI:        
          Universal Translator causes crash          


This is not just a quirk with your system, I have run into this same problem
using MI 5.0, Win 95.  To say it was frustrating would be an understatement.

I have managed to work around it by using the Control/Alt/Delete keys to end
UT task after the "crash" occurs i.e. after pressing the projection button.
This will *magically* bring up the Projection window and I can then continue
per normal.  I'm not sure if this will work on NT but it may be worth a try.

I have never got the "out of disk space for temporary files" message, but
you I would think this has nothing to do with the crashing problem using
Universal Translator.

MapInfo can't fool us by saying this is a FEATURE.

from the great white north.

Rick Branchaud
Golder Associates
Ottawa, Canada

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    MI: Universal Translator causes crash
Author: "Phillips; Andrew" [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:       8/3/99 8:57 AM

When trying to translate a *.shp file, UT crashes when the Projection button
is pushed.  Only resurrection on this NT system is to End Task.  Once while
doing so I found an error message window giving something like "out of disk
space for temporary files".  Given that there is actually plenty of disk
space available, there must be some other source for the error.  Any ideas?


Andrew Phillips, Ph.D.                    615 E. Peabody St.
Quaternary Geology Section          Champaign, IL 61820
Illinois State Geological Survey        (217) 333-2513 (ph)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   (217) 333-2830 (fax)

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