This is snipped out of my scalebar program, it seems to work...

Part of your Dialog will have something like this:
Control EditText
                Value "0"
                Position 15,12
                Width 10x
                ID 14
                Into <int_variable>
'.your other dialog controls
Control OKButton
                Position 8x,15y
                ID 9
                calling Check_OK

just make sure you assign an ID number and call the sub Check_OK.
In your new sub Check_OK - note the last part(& declare it at the

Sub Check_OK
        If Val(ReadControlValue(14)) < 0 then  'note the 14 is the cotrol ID
                Note "You MUST enter a POSITIVE Value before continuing."
                Alter Control 14 Active
                Dialog Preserve
        ElseIf ReadControlValue(14) = str$(0) then
                Note "You MUST enter a Value before continuing."
                Alter Control 14 Active
                Dialog Preserve
        ElseIf Val(ReadControlValue(14)) = 0 then
                Note "Please type a number, not text!"
                Alter Control 14 Active
                Dialog Preserve
        End IF
End Sub

Hope that helps!
Jason Adam
Computer Draftsperson
Monopros Limited
One William Morgan Drive
Toronto, ON    M4H 1N6
Tel: 416.423.5811
Fax: 416.423.9944

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 1999 7:29 AM
> Subject:      MI MB
> Dear List members, 
> Is it possible in MB to recognize the difference between Integer and 
> String ? Actually in a edittext box I want integer value to be entered. 
> But if somebody write any character by mistake, I want to stop it. 
> Any idea !!
> Thanks in advance
> ===================================================
> Aditya 
> Executive (Systems) 
> Information Systems Department
> GCMMF, Anand
> E-mail me at Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web Site:
> ===================================================
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