I've had this happen, and recently have seen a few posts to the list with the
same problem.  There is a registry setting that can be tweaked to alleviate
this condition somewhat.  By default, Mapinfo sets MaxFiles to 60.  You can
pump it up to 100 here:


If you don't already have one, add a new string variable called "MaxFiles" and
set its value to 100.  Mine actually is set to 200, but I was just being
greedy; the additional 100 neither hurts nor helps.  I am using NT 4.0, and
can't verify that it will be the same procedure for 95/98.

While this might provide just enough extra file handles to get your job done,
you can still hit the wall if your job is complex enough.  The wall is just a
little bit farther away now.  The real solution here would be for Mapinfo to
properly clean up after itself and close all of those temp files that it no
longer needs.

Good luck.

-Tim Nuteson
 Dayton Hudson Corporation
 Minneapolis, MN  USA
------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )--------------------
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 10:18:44 +0100
Subject: MI "TOO MANY FILES OPEN" during areaoverlap()

Dear all,

While performing a series of AreaOverlap calculations, I am getting the MapInfo
 error message "Too many files open".

In reality there are only 3 tables open, so I presume the "files"  are internal
  temp files.

Is there anything I can do about this please ?

Rob Jones,
Head of Geographical Information Unit,
Countryside Council for Wales.

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