I received a couple of responses about Portugal street data:

1) from Luis Suárez-Carreño

"You should get in touch with GEOGRAF, Sistemas de InformaÇao Geográfica,
Lda. They are MapInfo distributors for Portugal and Spain. They have a lot
of Portuguese data. Its Director is Mr. Raúl Mota, and this is his e-mail
address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 351 1 848 1314."

I talked to them and they have two sets of data for Lisbon and Porto -- one
from TeleAtlas and a less expensive one with fewer attributes but supposedly
of equal quality... both sets are at 1:10,000

and 2) from Norm Genier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"There are street maps of a 1:300,000 scale available for MapInfo.
They are called Cartique Mapping.

Portugal is bundled with Spain, Andorra and Gilbraltar and the
whole region is priced at $ 4,375.  I will enquire if Portugal can be

Thanks folks! MapInfo-L is the best!

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