Hi Tony

You can't query the scale directly but you can calculate it.

1: find the widt of the frame  in cm
2: get the zoom of your map window in m
3: you can now calculate the scale as 100 * zoom / width

include "mapbasic.def"
declare sub main
Declare Function FindScale(Byval mapid as integer)as integer

sub main
    print "Scale = 1:" & FindScale(Frontwindow())
end sub

Function FindScale(Byval mapid as integer)as integer
    dim z, sca as integer,
        x0, x1 as float,
        tFrame as object

    set distance units "m"
    Set Paper units "cm"
    z = mapperinfo(mapid, mapper_info_zoom)
    Select * from Layout1 where Str$(ObjectInfo(obj, obj_info_framewin)) =
    tFrame = Selection.object
    Set coordsys Layout Units "cm"
    x1  = objectGeography(tFrame, obj_geo_maxx)
    x0  = objectGeography(tFrame, obj_geo_minx)
    sca = 100 * z / (x1 - x0)
    Set coordsys window MapId
    FindScale = Sca
end function

Peter Laulund
National Survey and Cadastre, Denamrk

Tony Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 26-08-99 21:12:09

Til:    "MapInfo Email Group (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:      (bcc: Peter Laulund/MI/KMS)
Vedrørende:    MI Finding scale of a frame on a layout.

I have written a lot of MB code but for the life of me I cant find out
how to query a frame on a layout as to its scale. i.e. when you double
click the frame it comes up with its height, width, scale etc.
Can somebody point me in the right direction.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Tony Shepherd, GIS / IT Support
Gore District Council, Gore, New Zealand
Gore,The Brown Trout Capital
 .. .. .. .. check out or sites! .. .. .. ..
    .. . www.mataura.com . ..
   .. . www.goredc.govt.nz  . ..
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