Hi Eliot

This program will put all open tales into a map

include "mapbasic.def"

declare sub main

sub Main
       dim i, N as smallint,
               tName as string

             N = NumTables()
             Map from TableInfo(1, tab_info_name)
             For i = 2 to N
                   add Map Window FrontWindow() Auto Layer TableInfo(i,
end sub

Peter Laulund
National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark

LOWESTOFT, CEFAS) - 29-09-99 13:28:08

cc:      (bcc: Peter Laulund/MI/KMS)
Vedrørende:    MI Mapping all open tables

Hello List,

I am trying to convert and display text files of point data automatically
using MapBasic.  Each time I run the application there are a different
number of text files with different names that need converting.  I use the
FileExists() function to find which files are created and convert these to
tables and open them.  I then want to map from all the tables that have
been opened (or created).  I can think of a way to do this by just checking
again if .TAB files exist and adding them to the map if they do.  I
wondered if there is a way to simplify this.  Ideally I would like to be
able to find which tables have been opened so that I can map from these
tables straight away.   Is there a way to do this ?
As ever, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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