In a MapBasic application (see excerpt below), I create a menu TRAVERSIER
two hierarchichal menus, ADMINISTRER (menu item ID 2000) and ANNOTER (menu
item ID 2001), both originally disabled.  Later in the application, I want
to enable the latter two through the Alter Menu Item statement, referring to
their respective menu item ID's, but cannot; them remain disabled.  My

*       Is the Alter Menu Item statement the right tool to enable/disable
hierarchical menus, or should I use an other statement;  see last two lines
of code below.
*       When assigning menu item ID's to custom menu items, should I be
careful not to assign an integer already assigned to a standard MapInfo menu
item (the MapBasic documentation is silent on this).  For instance, in
MENU.DEF, M_FILE_NEW  is assigned 101; can I reuse the same ID for a custom
menu item?

Code is:

Include "ICONS.DEF"
Include "MENU.DEF"

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub Dem_Traversier

Dim     ...


Sub Main

'       Creating submenu Administrer

        Create Menu "Administrer" As
                "&Saisie du mot de passe"       Calling MotPasse,
                "(Créer &fenêtres"              Calling CreeFenetres

'       Creating submenu Annoter

        Create Menu "Annoter" As
                "&Rafraîchir thématique"        Calling Cartes_Them,
                "&Ajouter annotations"          Calling Ajoute_Anno,
                "&Déplacer annotations"         Calling Deplace_Anno,
                "&Effacer annotations"          Calling Efface_Anno,
                "&Initialiser annotations"      Calling Initial_Anno,
                "&Sauvegarder annotations"      Calling Sauve_Anno

'       Creating menu Traversier

        Create Menu "Tra&versier" As
                "&Démarrer Traversier"          Calling Dem_Traversier,
                "(&Administrer" ID 2000         As "Administrer",
                "(A&nnoter" ID 2001             As "Annoter",
                "(&Quitter Traversier"          Calling Quit_Traversier,
                "À &propos de Traversier ..."   Calling About_Traversier

'       Adding custom menu "Traversier" to menu bar

        Alter Menu Bar Remove ID 6, ID 7
        Alter Menu Bar Add "Traversier", ID 6, ID 7     


' Dem_Traversier

Sub Dem_Traversier

   Alter Menu Item Dem_Traversier Disable
   Alter Menu Item ID 2000 Enable       'Should enable hierarchical menu
   Alter Menu Item ID 2001 Enable       'Should enable hierarchical menu



Claude Lavoie
Service du soutien à la clientèle
Direction des technologies de l'information
Ministère des Transports du Québec
35, rue de Port-Royal Est, salle 5.00 a
Montréal (Québec)
H3L 3T1

Téléphone:      (514) 873-6280
Télécopieur:    (514) 873-8203
Courriel:       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Claude Lavoie
Service du soutien à la clientèle
Direction des technologies de l'information
Ministère des Transports du Québec
35, rue de Port-Royal Est, salle 5.00 a
Montréal (Québec)
H3L 3T1

Téléphone:      (514) 873-6280
Télécopieur:    (514) 873-8203
Courriel:       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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