
I'm trying to recreate a grid an author used in a book which was published 1945 (no typo).  The author uses 10km and 100km grids for Korea in UTM grid system for Korea (Grid Zones 51S, 52S and 51T and 52T; what do the S and T's refer too?).

Anyway, if somebody has, and is willing to share, a layout for this grid could you email me?  I'm not sure I understand how to layout the sequence of grids and label them.


H e n d r i k   K .   M e i j , ACM Social Sciences, Wesleyan University
PAC Building #330, Middletown CT 06459, Phone:860.685.4482, Fax:860.685.2781
            "There is so much I wish to know" -Poirot

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