Hello all,
I posted a question a few weeks ago about a problem I was having with
Vertcal Mapper. I've been trying to create contours and 3D views using the
CDED data grids which are fairly large files( ~75-90MB). As a result I kept
getting error messages re:need to increase virtual memory, error values
713,810 etc..., basically there wasn't enough space on my hard drive.

I've since had a 2nd PC installed with only MI and VM on it and thought this
would solve the problem-no such luck. Any more suggestions? Does someone
have the VM help desk#?
From: MD Currie
To: Swayze, Natalie: #PNWT - PTNO
Subject: Re: MI Problem with VMapper
Date: Saturday, October 23, 1999 6:56PM

Hi there vm user
We use vm since the 1.0 days.  it has been working well for us.  your issues
seem to relate to your cpu and its memory.  I will give you some tips on how
we cheat with Windows to avoid memory dumping.

Large files require alot of memory for processing.  At least twice again
more virtual memory than the file you process.  This memory comes from your
hard drive. If your hard drive is nearly full you might try making more
memory availble for windows to use.  Try 1 gegabyte free memory.  Run Scan
disk and Defrag the hard drive.

Increase Ram Memory some programs are Ram memory intensive and will require
alot of memory to keep operating.
We have aleast 128 megs of ram on all of our processing CPU's
The more the better.

Disable window mangement of Virtual Memeory.  The last tip is for the risk
taking in you.  for some programs we extend the processing limits of our
desktops. To cheat we disable the Virtual Memory and give the computer all
but say 200 megs of the hard drive where the data is on.  make sure to
restore the memory control back to windows later when you want the cpu to
work normal for the rest of your processing.

These three functions often allow us to process 1- 3gigbytes data sets using
NT and Windows 95.
Good Luck
Marlow Currie
Cornerstone GEOsystems
At 10:46 AM 10/21/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I've been trying to open some large grid files( CDED data layers) and
>contours and 3D views with VM. The following is a summary of the problems
>I've had/solutions attempted:
>>Error messages with 3D view-3 (these continue coming up in order
>      multiple  times and I end up having to shut down):
>    -"file or to increase the size of your current paging file"
>    -"out of system resources"
>    -"your system is running low on virtual memory. Please close some
>    applications" ( I've tried doing it with just MI opened and it still
>doesn't work).
>>Error message with contour( VM):
>   -"Out of Memory. Extended error value:713"
>>I'm using MI 4.5.2 so there shouldn't be a problem.
>( I am able to use the VM info tools though)
>>I tried opening it again from Explorer like you suggested and got a
>different message:
> -"The instruction at '0x00408391' referenced memory at
>         '0x00000000'. The memory could not be 'read' "
>If you could be of any assistance it would be greatly appreciated.
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