>I would like to know how to combine each of the same layer in each tile
>map to one layer of the same feature to cover the entire regional map.
>The particular regional map has 16 of these smaller tile maps. For
>example, each of the tile maps has a layer called "contour". Rather than
>having sixteen contour layers, each covering 1/16th of the large map, I
>want to combine them into one layer to cover the entire larger map.

There are two ways you can do it:

1. Open the first "contour" layer. Then open another "contour" layer, which
MapInfo will offer to name "contour_2", which is fine. Then use the "Append
rows to table" function in the "Tables" menu to append "contour_2" to
"contour". Do this for each of the 16 tiles and when you are done "contour"
will have all the tiles. You should probably the save it with a different

2. Check out the "seamless table manager" tool. It will allow you to open
all 16 contour layers and then create a new layer that groups them all
together. They will still be 16 seperate tiles, but they will act like a
single layer in MapInfo. It is a very powerful tool. The main limitation
that I've come up against is that you can't query a seamless layer very

Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
(307) 733-0203 fax: 733-4018
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