Hi folks,

I have just bought the digitised (scanned) historic mapping of Southampton.
It consists of 4 'snapshots' through time starting at 1836.

If I want to show the same geographic area at four different times through
history I can show each table within a different MapInfo map window.

If I pan in one of the windows to move to a different area, I then have to
pan the other three windows by the same amount to show the same new area.

Is there a way to update the other three windows automatically with the same
geographic area as the 'master' window (view), so that the windows appear to
chase each other? (I hope this explains roughly what I mean!!).


Nick Adnitt - Business Analyst
Southampton City Council
Phone: 023 8083 3092
Fax: 023 8083 3338
Mobile: 07899 060732

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